Mars – 03/07/2005

Hi All– This is very exciting!  We adopted Mars – kept the name because we couldn’t agree on one, and anyway, “Men are from mars”.  The funny thing is that my husband has a pair of Marvin the Martian slippers and Mars won’t leave them alone no matter where we “hide” them he finds them.   He is huge, at 13 weeks he weighed 30 lbs. and today is his next vet visit, my guess is he’ll weigh in at about 40 lbs, he has grown a lot since then.   I am amazed at how obedient he is, didn’t expect that from his Mal side, but he did come to us with some basic training, one night right after we got him my husband said it’s time for bed, we both went off to get ready and then we couldn’t find Mars anywhere.  After looking everywhere else in the house we finally found him in his crate, we figured whoever trained him called it a “bed”.  He seems to be a very smart boy!  He’s house trained and knows sit, come, outside and leash.  He is very cuddly and lovable and the only thing we are seriously working on now is biting, if he doesn’t get his way he tends to grab our hand with his mouth, not really a “bite” just a gesture of control, got any good ideas on how to stop this behavior?