I thank you also, he is so wonderful, I know that he and Keyote are meant to be bud’s.
Well they are sure a pair. My foster dad who lives with us is half blind and can’t tell them apart. Dad and Ranger gelled very well.
We sat outside in the yard and let the boys run. They played well and ranger has marked his boundary. Every tree and corner post in the yard. Keyote showed Ranger the ropes. I think that Ranger is going to attach himself to my sister Kathy who lives with me. He has been following her around and loves the sound of her voice. This is ok with me, but we aren’t sure how her cat is gonna like it yet LOL. No prob tho. She is the oldest in the house and knows how to bring about peace and is a good welcoming committee. Our Lil Bit (toy pom) has set him straight and he not only appreciates it but is more than willing to accept her as the mistress of the house.
So for a first day we are doing quite well. Ranger did try to charge Keyote’s dish as he was eating his dinner, but a well placed rolled up magazine smacked on the counter between them had Ranger thinking that he wasn’t supposed to do that. I also must tell you he took his pills for me with out a hitch. He love peanut butter, and the pill sticks to it 😉 What was that old saying about a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down? Well I think they should have said Peanut butter.
And he was willing to share the peanut butter spoon with Keyote after he got the pill down.. One lick for Ranger and one lick for Keyote. Strange how that helped him learn to share. So all in all I think it was a very good start to a very long family relationship.
Thanks again
From: Jules (The foster parents for Ranger)
You will be happy to know that the meeting between Ranger and Keyote was a smashing success and I had no concerns at all about letting Sally Jo take him with her today. I am confident that Sally Jo is more than capable of handling the integration process once she gets Ranger home. Ranger was somewhat reticent upon the initial meeting, but Keyote broke him down with his playful antics and soon the two of them were romping and wrestling together. Ranger left us sporting a beautiful new purple halter and jumped easily into Sally’s SUV where he and Keyote hung their heads out the same window as they drove away. Ranger is such a love bug and I am so pleased that he has found a forever home that will provide the companionship that he craves and the acreage that will accommodate his high energy!
Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help…