Flint – 11/28/2022

Almost six months since he came to stay with me, and he’s doing well. So much healthier than Zippo was.

I have only left him behind three times when I needed to go somewhere, and each time he escaped and wound up at a neighbor’s. Since the third time I either find a dog-sitter or take him with me everywhere. Dogs are amazing creatures:  he knows when I change into good clothes that it means a trip someplace and starts howling.

I do volunteer drives for Island Senior Resources, taking people to medical appointments. He comes with us, and everyone falls in love with him. As I wait outside a clinic or office I’ve even had staff come out to ooh and aah over him — and take photos! I have a supply of WAMAL bookmarks with him on them, and hopefully that creates some interest.

went to the store him, including the Country Store in Freeland. It’s one of the few places I feel ok bringing him in with me. As usual he was a big hit with customers and staff (so boring.) Happily he didn’t pee on anything, but it was a mistake bringing him down the dog treat aisle.

The clerk at checkout took his photo and I gave her a bookmark since she said her daughter might be interested in getting a big dog.

He is dog #62 that I’ve adopted, and appears that he will wind up in my Top Ten favorite dogs if he keeps this up.

Thanks for helping me find him.