Crimson came to WAMAL as an Owner Surrender and quickly went into a wonderful Foster home. Her Foster family was concerned because Crimson was panting a lot and had abdominal swelling so they took her to the vet. They—and we—got quite the surprise…she was pregnant! Just a few days later Crimson gave birth to 8 beautiful and healthy puppies.
But wait…these didn’t look like Malamute puppies so what’s a Rescue to do? Wisdom Health DNA to the Rescue (pardon the pun)!! We’re all so grateful to this Wooonderful company for donating two DNA kits. Drumroll… results were 50% Malamute & 50% Akita. Wisdom Health’s multi page detailed report provided breed histories, traits, family tree, and several health screenings.
This story ends quite happily. Crimson got her forever home with her Foster Family and all her puppies are living large in their new forever homes. Please support @wisdomhealth for your DNA testing needs. Support those companies who support WAMAL!!
February 18, 2020October 2, 2022
Crimson – 02/18/2020
In Happy Tails