Sampson – 03/25/2005

Sampson – 03/25/2005

The adopters came to Centennial this morning with their dogs to meet Sampson. When Jane called this morning she said "this is Sampson's new mom" so they were committed to taking him home sight unseen!

We introduced one dog at a time and Sampson seemed to get along with their dominant dog just fine.  Sampson did get a bit snarly with the other dog - both of their dogs are males.  After initial meetings and walking around and smelling each other we took them to one of the enclosed areas.  Sampson was still on leash but the other dogs were off leash.  They pretty much just ignored Sampson as they were only interested in all the smells in there.  I think I was a distraction to Sampson as he seemed to want to be by me.  I left to go to the office to get an adoption agreement and was gone for a few minutes.  When I returned the Bedell's said Sampson did much better when I wasn't there!  He is just so possessive and jealous when anyone else gets attention.  They seem to think that all will go fine when they get him home. Unfortunately, they were in such a hurry to leave the house this morning that they forgot to get the divider thing that separates the back end of the vehicle from the back seat.  So when they left Mr. Bedell was in the back passenger seat with Sampson to referee any doggy disagreements that may arise.  It was very bitter-sweet for me to see him ride off with them!  I know he deserves to be in a good home and I am very happy for him but I had become very attached to the old boy.

Silver – 03/23/2005

Silver – 03/23/2005

It's been a while so I thought I would drop you a line. We can't thank you enough for bringing Silver into our lives. He is simply the best match we could have ever asked for. I quite honestly feel that he thinks Mackenzie is his daughter instead of mine. He has fit perfectly into the pack. I'm on cable now so here is a couple of pictures.

Cheyenne – 03/22/2005

Cheyenne – 03/22/2005

We wanted to let you know that Cheyenne has been a great girl. She has gotten along with Sitka (our male Siberian Husky) perfect. They love to play, and she has been very sweet with him. She keeps him in line without being over aggressive. She acts as though she has known us for awhile. Her and Sitka enjoy sleeping on the bed with us...that doesn't leave much room for Li and I :-). The cats are used to dogs and go about their business as usual. Cheyenne definitely has a high prey drive...she loves to search/dig for gophers, etc...and stares at our cats and ferret. They don't mind and have done everything except climb on her. Even though she has been fairly good with the cats, we know not to trust her yet. We have been taking the dogs to "Chimney Park" and Cheyenne has gotten along with everybody (dogs, kids, etc...), we have even met Donna and her pack a couple of times. Cheyenne, Sitka, and Teton got along great with each other. We look forward to more interactions. We were also brave enough to take Cheyenne and Sitka rollerblading. Needless to say we had a lot of laughs, and were careful.

Tia – 03/22/2005

Tia – 03/22/2005

Tia is doing very well. She has made herself right at home. We noticed a small abscess on her belly, but we took her to the vet and got it taken care of. She has a lot of love to give and wants to please whoever she is around. She gets lots of attention and gets a bit excited when Bonnie comes home at 7:00 pm. Try telling a dog no running in the house when they are overly excited. She is actually sleeping in front of the tv right now. She behaves well in the house (except for the above mentioned episode). She is such a good dog. We are glad we chose her. Had a funny thing happen last week when Bonnie went to put her outside to go to bed. She jumped up on the bed, put her head on the pillow and was ready for bed. Just like she belonged there. She gives lots of kisses and receives lots of hugs and kisses. She is well trained and knows "no" when she is told no. We can't say enough things about her. We love this dog. We hope she knows she is here to stay.

Shyla – 03/18/2005

Shyla – 03/18/2005

Hey ladies, My wife and I want to known what we have to do to keep this little puppy forever? We think she will turn out great with a little work on her. We took her to our Vet on 17th and every thing looks really good for her, we did get a Rabies because of the squirrels that live around us. She is really pickings up from us, we all most have it where she will not jump up at this point. She get ahead of her self and then she will jump up to kiss us and to greets us, but then we will tell her no jumper and point to the floor and then she will sit. She is OK with the cats, our cats have been staying away from her, the first 2 day she would try and take off and try to chase them and we would tell her "No cats" and last night 1 of the cats came in and she went to get up and I pointed my finger to the ground and she just lie right back down. I think she is getting use to them?? Only time will tell and we are wanting to put that time in to her. she been though to much all ready and she need to have a home!
Let us known what we need to do?
Thank You

Shyla – 03/16/2005

Shyla – 03/16/2005

Shyla is doing great and she is starting to fit right in. "Boy, she as energy to BURN" :-), but our puppy is taken care of that. I think that they played for 32 hours straight before they went to bed. So far so as been really listening to me and my wife, and we are working with her. Carole took 45 min. out working with her in the front yard with out Tacaani around, it going to take a little time but I think she will come along great. Hey my wife and I have noticed some thing about her, it seems that her hearing is not very good?? or she is just hard headed?? it seems that when we call her she does turn to us until we get louder with her name. We are going to take her too our vet. so he can check her, but don't worry if she is its some thing that we have to live with. She is doing good with the cats, just got to remind her "no cats" but she is a fast learner. Well for now I will let you go. again Thanks a lot for her

Darwin – 03/10/2005

Darwin – 03/10/2005

Hello Planet Parents, Darwin (Saturn) is doing quite well and seemingly getting bigger every day!? He just went to the vet for his rabies shot and he weighs 41lbs.? He is very loving and listens well.? We had some initial trouble with the potty training but he seems like he is starting to get it. He seems to be very happy here and comfortable with his surroundings.? He is still getting used to his large paws... so he is a bit clumsy.? He has lost a couple of teeth and just keeps growing!

Ranger – 03/09/2005

Ranger – 03/09/2005

I thank you also, he is so wonderful, I know that he and Keyote are meant to be bud's.
Well they are sure a pair.  My foster dad who lives with us is half blind and can't tell them apart.  Dad and Ranger gelled very well.

We sat outside in the yard and let the boys run.  They played well and ranger has marked his boundary. Every tree and corner post in the yard. Keyote showed Ranger the ropes.  I think that Ranger is going to attach himself to my sister Kathy who lives with me.  He has been following her around and loves the sound of her voice.  This is ok with me, but we aren't sure how her cat is gonna like it yet LOL. No prob tho. She is the oldest in the house and knows how to bring about peace and is a good welcoming committee.  Our Lil Bit  (toy pom) has set him straight and he not only appreciates it but is more than willing to accept her as the mistress of the house.

So for a first day we are doing quite well.  Ranger did try to charge Keyote's dish as he was eating his dinner, but a well placed rolled up magazine smacked on the counter between them had Ranger thinking that he wasn't supposed to do that.  I also must tell you he took his pills for me with out a hitch.  He love peanut butter, and the pill sticks to it ;-)  What was that old saying about a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down?  Well I think they should have said Peanut butter.

And he was willing to share the peanut butter spoon with Keyote after he got the pill down.. One lick for Ranger and one lick for Keyote. Strange how that helped him learn to share.  So all in all I think it was a very good start to a very long family relationship.
Thanks again

From: Jules (The foster parents for Ranger)
You will be happy to know that the meeting between Ranger and Keyote was a smashing success and I had no concerns at all about letting Sally Jo take him with her today.  I am confident that Sally Jo is more than capable of handling the integration process once she gets Ranger home.  Ranger was somewhat reticent upon the initial meeting, but Keyote broke him down with his playful antics and soon the two of them were romping and wrestling together.  Ranger left us sporting a beautiful new purple halter and jumped easily into Sally's SUV where he and Keyote hung their heads out the same window as they drove away.  Ranger is such a love bug and I am so pleased that he has found a forever home that will provide the companionship that he craves and the acreage that will accommodate his high energy!
Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help...

Kobuk – 03/07/2005

Kobuk – 03/07/2005

This is Jupiter (now named Kobuk). His adopters report he is house trained and is going through the big CHEW stage, but they have lost only one slipper so far! He weighs 35 lbs.

Mars – 03/07/2005

Mars – 03/07/2005

Hi All-- This is very exciting! We adopted Mars - kept the name because we couldn’t agree on one, and anyway, “Men are from mars”. The funny thing is that my husband has a pair of Marvin the Martian slippers and Mars won’t leave them alone no matter where we “hide” them he finds them. He is huge, at 13 weeks he weighed 30 lbs. and today is his next vet visit, my guess is he’ll weigh in at about 40 lbs, he has grown a lot since then. I am amazed at how obedient he is, didn’t expect that from his Mal side, but he did come to us with some basic training, one night right after we got him my husband said it’s time for bed, we both went off to get ready and then we couldn’t find Mars anywhere. After looking everywhere else in the house we finally found him in his crate, we figured whoever trained him called it a “bed”. He seems to be a very smart boy! He’s house trained and knows sit, come, outside and leash. He is very cuddly and lovable and the only thing we are seriously working on now is biting, if he doesn’t get his way he tends to grab our hand with his mouth, not really a “bite” just a gesture of control, got any good ideas on how to stop this behavior?

Buster – 03/07/2005

Buster – 03/07/2005

We adopted Mercury and he is now Buster.  He is doing very well and we love him lots.  He still has moments with the potty training (and believe me, it only takes a moment).  And there's the small issue of his landscaping and bringing bushes, root ball and all, into the house via the doggie door.  But I ended up with a new steam cleaner and we're working on it.

Buster and his brother, Darwin (Saturn) spent yesterday together.  They spend time together just about every week.  But yesterday they went to the vet. Buster weighs in at about 33 lbs. while Darwin is up to 40.  He's huge.  They played the entire day together and Buster was exhausted last night.  He was still kind of slow this morning.

Darwin – 03/07/2005

Darwin – 03/07/2005

Buster and his brother, Darwin (Saturn) spent yesterday together. They spend time together just about every week. But yesterday they went to the vet. Buster weighs in at about 33 lbs. while Darwin is up to 40. He's huge. They played the entire day together and Buster was exhausted last night. He was still kind of slow this morning.

Bella – 03/07/2005

Bella – 03/07/2005

We adopted Venus (now Bella) and we love her. I wanted to find out how her litter mates are doing and what size they are at currently. They are now 16 weeks old and Bella is 30pds. We wanted to see if she was normal for the litter and how her size compares to a full bred malamute of this age. I am attaching a picture from a recent ski trip. Bella loved the snow and was great at the hut. Any information will be great and we are loving our little girl.

Boots – 03/06/2005

Boots – 03/06/2005

We have had Boots for 10 days now and I think he is beginning to calm down and feel at home. Sometimes he runs back and forth along the llama fence trying to get them to run with him. We have a very good guard llama, and he runs back and forth on the other side trying to stomp on Boots. Boots thinks this is great fun. He still has not made any attempt to go over the fence, so I am really glad about that. He is very sweet and very much like our Bear Dog. My husband and I both slip and call him Bear sometimes. The saddest thing about Boots so far is that yesterday we bought him a rope to play keep away and tug of war, and he had no idea what to do with it. Within minutes he got the idea, but I couldn't believe the neglect he has had. I'll see if I can send a picture of him.

Willard – 03/06/2005

Willard – 03/06/2005

Just wanted to let you know Willard is happy as a clam here.  I think he figures he died and went to heaven.  He is the sweetest old guy and smart too.  He is so funny...wants to be petted all the time and paws me to get petted and if I ignore him he starts pawing my!  Definitely not a picky pooch....feet, hands, whatever, just pet me!!

I'm just amazed his owner did not keep him with her as he is a great house dog, minds, sleeps a lot, wants to be petted, loves whatever you give him to munch, etc.  He would have been a great companion and comfort for her after her husband's death.  On the flip side...he certainly enriches my life as well as Ellen's.

Boots – 02/26/2005

Boots – 02/26/2005

I just thought I'd let you know we have all survived our 1st 24 hours.  Last night was like having a new baby.  Boots woke me up at least 3 times to check on me??  Around 2 am the heat come on for the 1st time and I could hear him going from room to room checking all of the heat vents.  Then in the morning here was a stuffed bear face down in the middle of the bedroom where he had been sleeping.  The last I knew, that bear was in my office.  That was kinda cute.

He is leery of the llamas and they feel the same about him, so I wouldn't trust them together without someone being present.  He'll just have to stay in the dog run for a few hours each day when we're gone.   So far he has been running free with the front gate shut and has not made any attempt to get in with the llamas.  He's more concerned about where Dave & I are at all times.  He seems a bit insecure, and with good reason I would think. He is pooping cowpies today, which is either the cat food or nerves, so I got him Science Diet for Adults (dry), and was wondering what you feed your dogs.

So that's the update.  I'll keep you informed.

Missy – 02/24/2005

Missy – 02/24/2005

Sorry it's been so long since I gave you an update but we've been busy here getting an abandoned dog into rescue. Cola is doing great. She no longer snaps at us at all and only gives us warning looks once in a while. Her obedience classes are going really well also and we are going to put her and Dawson in Agility at the end of Mar. We have started using a gentle leaded when we walk her and she no longer pulls. She's not crazy about the leader collar but she has only used it one day. It's kinda like a puppy with and a first time collar- they fight it but as soon as something is more interesting they don't remember they are wearing it. How's Scout and his new friend. I bet he was happy to have a new buddy. Hopefully they get along as well as he did with Cola. They were pretty good together. Here are some pics of her-enjoy!

Sola – 02/23/2005

Sola – 02/23/2005

She is doing very well, loves her hikes! She has made the house hers, and has added some extra warmth to my bed where she loves to lay out and sleep. She is a funny dog and talks at me when I stop to rest while we hike and she is ready for more, its very funny the look she gives me lol. The kids adore her and they play a lot outside. Currently we are working on crate training her some because she likes to use the front room at weird times to go to the bathroom. All shots are now current, and as far as I can tell all is well.

Willard – 02/21/2005

Willard – 02/21/2005

So far things are going well.  He really acts like he has been here forever...just made himself right at home.
He is a funny guy and will go outside with me, but within a few minutes runs back in the house thru the dog door, lays on the quilts on the living room floor and waits for me to come back in.  It will take him a bit to realize there is no chain here.

He also smells to high heaven.  I have brushed him some and tomorrow will make a beauty parlor appointment ASAP.  My friend came over last evening and walked into the house and immediately said...What is that smell!  Too funny.

I appreciate your offer to help if I run into problems.  As far as I can tell, he is a sweet pooch and I should be able to handle what comes up.  I think Ellen will too as she has politely snarled at him when he is too excited and he immediately put his head down and walked away.

Nakita – 02/17/2005

Nakita – 02/17/2005

Hi Tina,
Well not only does she like plastic, she has gone through 5 of Chico's stuffed animals. ha ha!!!!!  They are all totally disembowled. She is still food aggressive and we hope to get her over that but if not that's ok she's not too bad with it. She is very protective with the toys too, she doesn't like to share much. Her and Chico are best friends.  They love to go bye bye.  Nakita is so funny, when I'm on the computer or doing something and she wants attention, she puts her nose under my arm and lifts it so it lands around her neck and she will keep doing it until I acknowledge her presence.  We are having a blast.  She is well loved and a permanent part of this family.

Tina I wrote:
I am so glad she's getting along.  I was hoping you guys were able to deal with her food aggression.  She's so weird about food that I actually found it kind of funny, in a "I hope she doesn't actually take my arm off" way.  Didn't I warn you about the plastic?  She was always trying to chew on my son's plastic toys.  Not any of the other ones (most other dogs want to go after his stuffed animals), just the plastic.  And she chewed the nub off of my pooper scooper right after I washed it off and put it away!  :)  She is such an imp. I really am glad for you guys. We loved her too, but weren't interested in adopting right now.  Please continue to keep us updated and feel free to send pictures!  :)  By the way, you're welcome.  She is an awesome dog.

-------------- Original message --------------

Tina I Wrote:
As Niki's former foster mom, I just wanted to say hi and see how she's settling in. I don't know if any of the board members have contacted you since I'm not privy to that information, so I wanted to send you a note myself. I hope you guys are enjoying her as much as we did, and getting along ok with her food issues.   
What does Chico think of his new sister? I hope all is well, please write back.

Mars – 02/14/2005

Mars – 02/14/2005

We have adopted Mars and he is absolutely wonderful!  We love him so much that we couldn’t imagine our life without him.  Our vet says he is in perfect health and we think he is the “perfect puppy” too!  He comes when he’s called, he can sit, leave it, and tell us when he has to go out (most of the time). He sleeps through the night, he knows “bed” is his crate and he seems to like being in there when we are not able to keep an eye on him.  When we walk with him on a leash he walks behind us and leaves the leash loose.  He’s lovable and fun and way more than we had hoped for in a puppy - all we were going for from his picture was “cute”!  So happy that we were able to adopt him!

Bear – 02/13/2005

Bear – 02/13/2005

So far so good. Bear got home and loved the back yard. Princess was interested in him, but wasn't quite sure. Bear showed a lot of interest in her, as if he wanted to play. We have just kept everybody their distance and used the crate. We let Bear out of the crate in the living room on a leash and played with him a bit, he was having a blast. We took some pictures of the very happy boy. We took Bear and Princess for a short walk this evening they enjoyed each others company but didn't try to challenge the rules of one dog on one side and  the other on the other side. They were really, really good. Just with the little we have done with Bear on a leash today, there has been a large improvement since even this morning. So far so good, but we are taking baby steps. 

Everything will fall into place in time.

Sierra – 02/11/2005

Sierra – 02/11/2005

I can't believe in June it will be two years since I picked Sierra up in Maple Valley.  She is such a joy in my life, and I just adore her.

She is doing great, and I thought I would just send some updated photos to WAMAL to let you folks know that she's doing very well.  The two emails I'm sending are a little outdated in text, but the pictures of Sierra (or "boo-boo" when she's being extra cute) are great.  The one attached to this email I find particularly funny.  The picture was taken at her doggy daycare for the fourth of July, and the photographer laughingly said that Sierra loved the camera, and having all eyes on her.  She really hammed it up!

The other email I'll send has pictures of me, my boyfriend, Erik, and his Siberian named Kobi.  It took some adjustment (Kobi is 8, and has been an only dog all his life), but things are fine with both of them.  At home, they just act like the other isn't there, but at the dog park they seem to "rediscover" one another, and have a wonderful time playing tag together.

I think WAMAL is a great organization, and it inspires me to someday want to have more resources so that I can adopt another mal., or even foster.

Joshua – 02/09/2005

Joshua – 02/09/2005

That is funny you emailed me, I was thinking about emailing everyone. Joshua is doing great. Had a few small issues at first; He ripped down my molding to my door and he likes to sneak off with food from the pantry, but that is so minor :-) Otherwise, all is great. I did take him to the groomer at the kennel and he freaked out! But I sat with him and he was a little calmer. Boy, he looks so handsome!!! He has been digging at himself to where he has patches of skin showing. Is this normal? He seems to leave our cat alone. He is interested at first when Zazu comes around, but never approaches him. We walk a lot and play all the time. He enjoys car rides and has done real well when other dogs are around. I did notice that he seems very protective of us. If he feels any one of us are in danger, he howls and barks. My son tells me everyday how much he loves his new puppy! I think it was well worth the wait to find Josh, he is truly a perfect fit for our family. Thank You!!! :-)

Chobi – 02/07/2005

Chobi – 02/07/2005

I know that it has been over my two-week trial period, and I wanted to say that....Chobi (aka: Ty is the best dog ever. really. Ever, in the history of the world.... and you can never have him back. :)

Anyway, i really wanted to thank everyone that came out to centennial and helped me with my choice. Chobi (choe-bee) seems pretty happy here in the Tri-Cities. He has two good friends next door that he is always eager to play with. He is always quiet, unless he believes he's going to go on a run. He has a new doghouse that he never uses, but he is not keen on escaping or digging either - so everybody is happy. He seems to know most commands already and has even come with shaking hands and catching biscuits installed. :)

I ended up going went with a different name since he had only been named Ty for a week. I mulled over a few other names, including Tyger, but went with Chobi (Bengali for Photograph) in the end.

Cola – 01/29/2005

Cola – 01/29/2005

Cola is doing great. We haven't had any more snapping issues and she is really starting to relax. Her and Dawson are a lot happier since the weather has gotten warmer and they can stay out all day. We have started obedience class and she is doing well. She doesn't pull as hard on leash as she use to but on her Extend-a-lead she still pulls quite a bit. She should come around as the class progresses. How's Scout-does he have a new friend yet?

We are going to the park today so I'll try and get some more pics. Here are some pics of her doing one of the things she likes to do most.

Cola – 01/01/2005

Cola – 01/01/2005

Cola's fit into the family very well. Her and Dawson, our other mal, adore each other. She also thinks our three cats are ok. And the horses-new best friends. Her favorite past time is chasing the horses from her side of the fence. She runs with them as run past the yard, she thinks she's part of the herd. Out of the yard, she only goes in the pasture if we are there then runs back into the yard so she can run with the horses. I think she knows they can't chase her when she's in the yard.

Daily long walks help burn some of the abundant energy she has and boy she has lots. She is fascinated by all the wildlife scents (deer, moose, coyote) on our walks. 10 year old Dawson tries to keep up to her but in the end just lets her spin hoping one day he will finally catch her-no way!

Xmas went great. We took them both to my mom's place in Calgary, about 7 hours away. Cola was very calm and comfortable away from home. She seems to know she has found Home.    

Cody – 12/21/2004

Cody – 12/21/2004

Hi WAMAL Folks!
Cody has now been in his permanent home with us for 10 months. He's finally coming into his own as far knowing where he belongs and that he gets to stay forever. He has made two new friends - a husky/aussie mix and an American Bulldog. They come for play dates and he loves them. The bulldog thinks Cody is wonderful and follows him around trying to do malamute things - ever hear a bulldog wooooooooo? With those lips????
Anyway, here are a couple of our Christmas pictures, just for fun. Thanks again WAMAL.

Mahina – 12/15/2004

Mahina – 12/15/2004

Akiya now Mahina looks nothing like when she came into rescue. Her new owner, Momi is taking the best care of her and in turn, Mahina is restoring Momi's spirit after her loss of Lishka to cancer not long ago. Momi also adopted Lishka through us about 5 years ago.